Imagining new accessible worlds

Oppressive liberation: BBW bashes and the affective rollercoaster

  • Crystal L. M. Kotow

It’s noon on Sunday as I make my way back to Toronto after a weekend spent partying with friends. Fifteen minutes into the ride I begin crying quietly to myself. This outburst of emotion is a consequence of a combination of extreme fatigue and intense hangover. It’s likely I haven’t eaten enough the last four days, and I certainly haven’t slept enough. I find myself longing for the company of my most recent ex one minute and in the next minute, I’m wondering if I’ll hear from the person I slept with last night.

Kowtow, C. (2019). Oppressive liberation: BBW bashes and the affective rollercoaster. In M. Friedman, C. Rice, & J. Rinaldi (Eds.), Thickening fat: Fat studies, intersectionality and social justice (pp. 150–159). Routledge.