Imagining new accessible worlds

Phantom, stills & vibrations: An interview with Lara Kramer

  • Nadine Changfoot

  • Victoria Mohr-Blakeney

We stare through the glass and glance down at the microphones in front of us. We slip on our headsets and take in a faint musty smell as we wait in Trent Radio’s Studio Two. I sit next to Nadine Changfoot, professor in political studies at Trent University, as we wait anxiously to speak with Montréal-based, Oji-Cree dance artist Lara Kramer about her new work Phantom, stills & vibrations. Kramer is the recipient of the prestigious 2018 Trent University Ashley Fellowship, often received by academics. Poised to begin, Changfoot pulls a laptop onto her lap in the cramped studio. She is one of the driving forces behind the residency and Kramer’s fellowship. The phone rings.

Mohr-Blakeney, V., & Changfoot, N. (2018, March 22). Phantom, stills & vibrations: An interview with Lara Kramer. The Dance Current.