Imagining new accessible worlds

Bodies in Translation Project Partners

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada logo
Logo for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Next to an icon of a Canadian flag, black text on a white background reads “Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada” and “Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada”. To the right, larger black text reads “Canada” with a Canadian flag over the last “a”.
ReVision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice logo.
Logo for ReVision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice. The logo features black text on a white background that reads ReVision. A red dot separates “Re” from the rest of the word. Below, red text reads “The Centre for Art and Social Justice.
University of Guelph logo.
Logo with black text on a white background that reads “University of Guelph”
Toronto Metropolitan University logo.
Toronto Metropolitan University logo. White text in a blue rectangle reads “Toronto Metropolitan University”. A smaller yellow rectangle underlays the blue at the top right corner.
Trent University logo.
Trent University logo. Large blue text reading “Trent” above smaller green text reading “University”. Next to the text is a green circle with a sword silhouetted against waves.
Tangled Art + Disability logo.
An abstract line drawing in pink next to bold pink text that reads “TANGLED”; thinner black text below reads “ART + DISABILITY”.