Imagining new accessible worlds

Image Patterns

[Delete this text] This pattern uses the cover block to display an image. You can change the overlay (either as a solid or gradient) to create some fun effects and choose your focal point. Please note that this should only be used for decorative images.

Screen capture of a cat from the video Life Can Change in an Instance.

[Delete this text] Gallery images can easily be adjusted. Change and add (or remove images), increase or decrease the number of columns, add a background, add styles to individual images using the image styles feature. We recommend setting galleries to “Crop image” so everything sits nicely, linking to media so that images will open in a lightbox, and setting image size to either medium or large (not full-size or thumbnail).

[Delete this text] Full-length and wide-length images are set to automatically be responsive based on a fix container. What does that mean? The width and height of these images are fixed based on the size of the device. As the device changes (shrinking or growing), the image within this container will resize to fill the space. For best results, images should be in landscape with the focal point placed in the center.

Three photographs showing a person lying in various positions on a shiny surface.
A series of three framed photographs hang on a white gallery wall, each a shot of a person lying in various positions on a shiny surface that reflects their image. The photos are all rotated 180°. The first shows a person’s head and shoulders, with fingers interlaced in front of their face. The second shows the same person with their arms crossed at the wrist and their head bowed. The third shows the same person with their head laid on their hands, elbows bent.

[Delete this text] Gallery images can easily be adjusted. Change and add (or remove images), increase or decrease the number of columns, add a background, add styles to individual images using the image styles feature. We recommend setting galleries to “Crop image” so everything sits nicely, linking to media so that images will open in a lightbox, and setting image size to either medium or large (not full-size or thumbnail).

[Delete this text] Full-length and wide-length images are set to automatically be responsive based on a fix container. What does that mean? The width and height of these images are fixed based on the size of the device. As the device changes (shrinking or growing), the image within this container will resize to fill the space. For best results, images should be in landscape with the focal point placed in the center.

Line drawing of fat protestors.
“AntiFa Tank Division” by Allison Tunis. Original photo credit – Katie Loncke. Line drawing of fat protestors in pink, purple, and blue watercolour. Inspired by the work of Fat Rose and the AntiFa Tank Division, Allison included some real world activism in their illustration. She recommends that you check out their site to get your own Fatties Against Fascism shirt and other swag.